Sunday, April 22, 2012

Blog Assignment #12

     For this blog assignment we are suppose to come up with a project that Dr. Strange himself should have assigned. I chose my project based on something that I have wanted to do for a couple of years. This assignment finally made me put my fears aside and create a website. So here are the instructions for the assignment.

     In this assignment you will be required to create a website on a topic that you are passionate about in the field of education. You can find many different sites to use to begin creating a free website the one that I suggest is Weebly. This site has many different layouts that you may chose from and is simple to use. On your new website you must have the following pages. You need a home page that talks about what your website is about with a title. You must have pictures on your home page. You need to have a blog page. You may link it to an existing blog or create a new one. If it is a new blog page make sure you have at least one blog post up with photos. Last you need a contact page. The point of a contact page is so you can receive feedback from viewers. The most important thing to remember when creating your website is others will be able to view it.

     I have created my own website and it is still under construction. I plan to use it as I grow as an educator. I am so thankful for this blog assignment because I have now created, Dixon Zone. I can not wait to continue to build the site to get it where I want will take some time. That is why I feel that this project would be very rewarding to students it like a blog. It is something that you can continue to use and it can grow with you.
Little human figures are hammering, screwing, and lifting the word .com. It is a representation of someone creating a new website.


  1. Hi Constance!
    I like the fact that I was assigned to your blog this week. I have always wanted to make my personal web page also. I feel that by doing this, it will give you a feel to want to keep up with it and add anything you want to it, of course, if it is related to education. I created mines, and it it titled "A place where you can be You". Thanks for this.

  2. This is a very good idea! However, I think the website will only turn out well if the owner really wants it. Yours is great!
