Sunday, February 12, 2012

C4T#1 Blog Assignment

First Blog

Teacher's blog.
     Martha Yim's blog post on January 21, 2012, titled Art in Motion-Hippie Man is actually a video on the final editing of a new technology feature that she enabled in her classroom, with the help of some very smart kids. The video is actually of students creating a project out of construction paper. The finished project is of an outdoor scene with grass, a van/bus on a road, and a man (hippie). The interesting part of this is that the video is it was sped up from its normal speed (noted in a previous blog). At the end of the video you see all the elements come together and what looks like the man (hippie) walking down the road.
     In order to create the different videos and projects Martha Yim and her students came up with a way to hang an IPad from the ceiling in their classroom. They came up with the idea of placing the IPad in a gallon size zip-lock bag. The zip-lock bag was cut away around the camera lens. Then all the corners had curly ribbon tied to then and then the ribbon was tied to a hook that was attached to the ceiling. The students were then allowed to to help create their video masterpieces.
My comment
My name is Constance I enjoyed watching the video made by you and your students. I am currently enrolled in EDM310 at South Alabama. This class is actually teaching future educators to use more technology inside the classroom. We are learning to complete assignments similar to what you had your students create. I was wondering was it difficult for your students to learn how to speed up and edit the video? I was asking because I would love to use this idea in my classroom one day. I am including my twitter address as well as the URL to my blog for EDM310. My twitter is @constance_dixon . My EDM310 blog is Constance Dixon's EDM310 Blog

Second Blog
Teacher's Blog
The blog is titled "A stroll through England,"  on January 13, 2012 Martha Yim had her students blogging with another class located in the United Kingdom. She then had her students use Google Maps to be able to view the area which her class's fellow bloggers lived. She also used Google's finance  converter to show the difference in currency. The also talked about the continent as well as the time zone. The students were able to better grasp the geography of the country and a better understanding of the cultural differences. I included a picture below that the students could view on One World Nations Online 
My comment
The concept of this project is a really interesting one. It seems that it would really help to explain the differences in culture. I love this idea for a history class. I actually played with a few of the links that you posted they were really fun to play with. Have you used  this idea for any other project besides this one?
Highlighting where England is on a globe.

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