Monday, February 13, 2012

Blog Assignment 3

I included a link to a slide show that we were to watch this week on peer editing Tutorial Peer Editing

Part 2
Technology in Special Ed.  
    I really enjoyed watching the video Technology in Special Education. I am working on getting my degree in Secondary Special Education. This video allowed me to really see that life can be so much easier for these students to communicate. When you have a child in your classroom that can not verbally express themselves it can not only be difficult for the teacher to understand them, but it can also be frustrating for the students. For example, in the video Chris started of using a pad that had the alphabet on it and he had to point to letters in order to form words. With Chris's computer he was able to more easily express things that he wanted to say.
     Some teachers may not understand how this video relates to them . The truth is this video can be an eye opener to all teachers. If these students with special needs can more easily communicate and learn with technology think about what an average student is capable of. As teachers we sometimes do not consider how  capable our students are. Their minds are developing daily whether they are two or 12 and whether they are an advanced student or have autism.

iPad Helps a Child with Autism
     The video titled How the iPad Works with Academics for Autism was very touching. Children with Autism can have difficulty focusing and if they are not interested in an activity it can sometimes be very difficult to have them to complete the activity. I have actually taught a student at the daycare center that I work for he had Fragile X. Most children with Fragile X will also have Autism as well. My student taught me so much about learning to have patience. For me to think that there are programs out there; such as the ones that Braden was using, that could benefit children like the little boy that I taught is such a blessing and excites me as well.
     I really like that the programs that were used such as Toddler Counting and My First Words. These programs give the child immediate response and reinforces what they are learning. Braden was so excited when he would say or do something correctly. To see a student light up when they have accomplished something should be the highlight of a teacher's as well as a parent's day.

Social Media Count
      The Social Media Counter was really fun to watch. As a future educator it makes me think how many of those items that were shared on Facebook were students in middle school and high school; however I wonder why blogging is not more used. I also wonder how many of the SMS messages that are being sent are from kids talking to their friends. The world uses so much technology and we are not even aware of it. Why is that? Why are we not promoting more usage of technology inside the classroom?
     I had a thought when I was watching the Social Media Counter. As college students we see and hear about all the drama on Facebook. Now think about your future students that will be using Facebook. Instead of students spending so much time on Facebook pouring out their heart on social drama why as educators do we not encourage them to have a blog that they do as a school assignment. We could monitor it but at the same time you give them assignments that they will enjoy writing about. We give them an outlet to express them self in an educational way. I am not saying it would eliminate Facebook nor do I want it to. I am just saying students would have a positive way to express themselves.

Michael Wesch
     The video titled,A Vision of Students Today, was a real eye opener. The facts that the students presented are very true once you think about it. When I go into my larger classes I see so many students that are on their laptops and not taking notes. Instead of taking notes the are on Facebook, watching YouTube, or playing games.I can completely understand why. It becomes really hard to stay awake in these classrooms where the teachers just talk or present Power Points. For the most part the ones that present the Power Points read straight off of them and then post them for all the students to view. In the minds of most students why pay attention or even show up if I can just read the notes on my own time.
     In college we are suppose to be learning and preparing ourselves for the career path we have chosen. What are we truly learning by sitting in front of a  teacher who is just talking. We should be receiving assignments that truly make us think and grow towards the careers we have chosen. No matter the age of the student teachers need to be more involved whether it is giving us projects to assist in our learning or introducing us to the technology to help us teach ourselves.
A pie chart on Special Education. This chart shows the percentages of people with each type of disability.
Since the videos that we watched this week focused a lot on Special Education and Technology I found this really neat pie graph. This shows the different percentages of children that are in Special Education. Citizen Joe, where I found the chart has many more as well as some very interesting facts.

1 comment:

  1. What about your comments on the peer editing portion of this assignment?

    Thorough, well written. I liked the chart you included from Citizen Joe. It may appear in an assignment in the future on for next semester. Thanks.
