Sunday, February 19, 2012

Blog Assignment 4

       Podcasting is a very new concept to me and I have been having some trouble with it. I feel though that it is a very good tool for in the classroom. On Langwitches - Pocasting With 1st Grade; it gave a walk through on how a teacher utilized podcasting with her students. I was very impressed with the fact that the children had a script that was related to the chapters that they were learning. In the podcast the students were learning information as they were doing their recordings on the chapter for the rest of the students to hear. After all of the work was put together the learning was reinforced as they listened to the final piece. I loved the fact that the students became more involved with their learning, and this was made possible through podcasting.
     I found the video, How To Create A Podcast, helpful too. The information was very straightforward in how to create a podcast. This video also gave some tips on using the podcast, such as taking out the background noise. I did in to some trouble when trying to follow the instructions exactly as they had been given. I ran in to the issue of my computer not having an ,"export button", for placing the MP3 application in to the Audacity plug-in folder. Overall I was very pleased with this video.
     In the video, The Benefits of Podcasting in the Classroom, I felt it strange to think that I was what they referred to as a "Millenial". I was never introduced to podcasting until college. As well as not being introduced to it until later on in my educational life it is more or just a term for me since I have never had a professor that used it. I do feel that it is an important tool and that students should not go through the majority of their schooling not being introduced to it. It benefits students in so many ways. This video used the example of a student being sick and having the opportunity to view podcast.In doing so she was still able obtain the information from class preventing her from falling behind. Podcasting can also give students a sense of creativity if they are being allowed to create the script and podcast for certain classroom lectures. They are having to so the research in order to be able to create the podcast as well as the other students are able to use it in their learning process. As mentioned in this video podcasting is considered to be in the upper level of Bloom's Taxonomy. This means students are learning higher levels of thinking skills. There are endless possibilities  to using podcast inside the classroom.

A cartoon of two graduating students and the effect that pod casting has on them.


  1. Hello Constance,

    Haha! That comic is hilarious! I wish I could download my commencement rather than go. I dislike long events. However the image needs to have ALT and TITLE tags.

    Other than that, I think you did a nice job with the post.

  2. Hey Constance, my name is Michael and I was assigned to your blog for this week and definitely enjoyed reading it. Like you I had never heard of podcasts until college and with my experience they can be very useful in the classroom. I like how you mentioned in your last paragraph the benefits of using a podcast in the classroom. Giving students the ability to be creative in podcasting can allow them to reach levels not before available to previous students. Look forward to reading more of your posts.
